- General advice
- Road use and Navigation
- Parking and Waiting
- Vulnerable Road Users
- Drivers and Motorcyclists
- Rules for Motorcyclists
- Pedestrians
- Defensive driving tips
- Road Test Tips
- Road Signs
- Highway Code Test
Before you get in the vehicle, walk around it and check to see if there is anything there that could block your way.
1. Get in and put on your belt.
2. Check your mirrors to be sure they can serve you well.
3. Make sure the vehicle is in neutral and the hand break is engaged.
4. Place the key in the ignition and crank the car up.
5. Always indicate, then look using your mirrors before changing lanes or as you turn.
6. Remember to change down to the first gear when on an incline that will require “balancing”.
7. Imagine the 10 and 2 positions on the clock face. That is where your hands should be on the steering wheel.
8. Crossing your hands is a no-no.
9. Hooting like a cab driver is a no-no.
10. Waving at people you know is a no-no.
11. Having your phone in a position to distract you is a no-no.
12. Attempting to bribe your tester will get you 3 years in jail.
- Each time you approach a stop sign (Be it the vertical post, or the white line on the road), you must come to a complete stop,(on a complete stop, others may emphasise on lifting the handbrake) and start all over again.
This should be done even if the whole town has gone to Joshua Nkomo Airport to receive the Zimbabwe National team, and you are the only one on the road with your examiner.
The same applies when you approach the Pedestrian crossing.
You might want to put hazards as well. - Don’t drive above 40KM/h. You are a learner, you don’t want to give your examiner a heart attack.
- If it’s manual transmission, attempt to take it all the way to the highest gear possible depending on what speed/part of the road you are on. The examiner would want to see if you understand this.
- Good luck.